
An unexpected visit

On Friday, April 12, we received a call from Madeira, where we are carrying out a LIFE project with the Mediterranean monk seal. In that archipelago we had only seen them in Madeira and Desertas, but that Friday a seal had appeared in another of…
la reina

His Majesty Queen Sofia and the Monk Seal in Faunia

On Friday, May 11, the first exhibition about the species in Spain entitled “The Return of the Monk Seal” was inaugurated at the Faunia facilities, in order to raise awareness and make known to the general public about the monk seal of the Mediterranean. We…

We participate in the LIFE Intermares

The LIFE IP INTEMARES, is the largest project of conservation of the marine environment in Europe. It aims to achieve a consolidated network of marine areas of the Natura 2000 Network, managed efficiently, with the active participation of the sectors involved and with research as…
Limpieza Reserva 032

Keeping the reserve clean

Conservation agents clean the reserve every month. The garbage removed is mostly plastic and traces of fishing nets, very dangerous for seals. Large amounts of waste accumulate on the beaches where seals eventually come to rest, so this work is maintained over time, and is…
Control C7-Tarj 2- M.C.- 017 - copia

All of us against climate change

Our team works since 20 years ago, although with different acronyms, for the protection of the Mediterranean monk seal at Cabo Blanco peninsula. And if there is something that we learned is that the protection of seals or any other endangered species, cannot be understood…

The Mediterranean monk seal at the Galapagos Islands

If something have in common the Mediterranean monk seal (Monachus monachus) and the Galapagos sea lion (Zalophus wollebaeki) is that there are ones of the only pinnipeds that inhabit tropical areas, as the Galapagos fur seal (Arctocephalus galapagoensis) and the Hawaiian monk seal (Neomonachus schauinslandi).…
Reunión Plan Fuerteventura 2014 M.Cedenilla.  (885)

More marine protected areas for marine biodiversity

The century begins for us with two celebrations to highlight. On one hand, there are more monk seals breeding at the colonies of Cabo Blanco and Madeira in the Atlantic. An encouraging result that had its origin in the proposal, in 1999, of Luis Mariano…
Monk seals inside cave M.Cedenilla CBD-Habitat

A unique population

The population of monk seals that inhabits the “Costa de las focas” reserve is unique. Unique because if represents close to half of the entire population of the species worldwide; unique because it is the largest colony that exists to date; unique because it keeps…

International collaboration for the Conservation of Monk Seals (ICCMS)

Originally there were 3 different monk seal species in the world, very further apart geographically speaking. One of them, the Caribbean monk seal (Neomonachus tropicalis), went extinct by mid-XX century. Today, the Hawaiian monk seal (Neomonachus schauinslandi) and the Mediterranean monk seal (Monachus monachus), still…
Reunión Plan Fuerteventura 2014 M.Cedenilla.  (764)


If anything has characterized the twentieth century, it was undoubtedly its bellicosity and destructive power. Two world wars and countless conflicts, civil, regional, genocide, arms races, blocs and alliances, bombs of mass destruction, nuclear era, dictatorship, famine, social inequalities, massive population displacement, persecution, refugees, and…