Limpieza Reserva 032

Keeping the reserve clean

Conservation agents clean the reserve every month. The garbage removed is mostly plastic and traces of fishing nets, very dangerous for seals. Large amounts of waste accumulate on the beaches where seals eventually come to rest, so this work is maintained over time, and is…

Resting in freedom

As every morning, on Monday august 15th we turned on the camera that allow us to monitor from the distance, the daily going of the seals of the reserve “Costa de las Focas” at the inside of the breeding caves. We thought it would be…

Mohor in freedom and another one of acknowledgements

We told you already that during the month of May was performed the second “Operación Mohor” with the release- at the region of Safia- of the first individuals of this beautiful antelope extinct in the wild at the end of the 60s . After being…

The women of the gazelles

In memory of Mar Cano This time we won’t talk about seals. The woman of the picture is Teresa Abáigar. The beautiful animal that she is cuddling with such dedication is a Mohor antelope (Nanger dama mhorr). She is a researcher at the CSIC (Higher…
Reunión Plan Fuerteventura 2014 M.Cedenilla.  (764)


If anything has characterized the twentieth century, it was undoubtedly its bellicosity and destructive power. Two world wars and countless conflicts, civil, regional, genocide, arms races, blocs and alliances, bombs of mass destruction, nuclear era, dictatorship, famine, social inequalities, massive population displacement, persecution, refugees, and…
Derrumbe.Corb3C (Large)

Collapses, a great threat for the species

The coast in which the breeding caves are located is formed by beaches and cliffs.  Cliffs are very fragile and the collapses are a great threat for the species.   What a surprise had the conservation agents that work at the north of the reserve…