
Photo trap cameras results north of the “Costa de las focas” reserve, 2014

Part of the monitoring being performed at the 144km north coast of the reserve is being done with photo trap cameras. Their mission is to test strategic areas, caves and beaches, of the coast and detect their use by seals.

During 2014, 8 cameras have worked and performed 54535 pictures in total, of which, 27057 were taken on daylight and were valid for the analysis. Cameras have worked an average of 291.75 days, with an average performance of the 81.81% of the days of the year. Photographic effectiveness has been of 46%. This last information evidences the hard conditions at which cameras work, where breakdowns are frequent.

Unfortunately, still no seals have been detected on the surveyed spots. However, conservation agents performed numerous sightings of seals on the area, but at sea. Which evidences that the colony gather at the principal caves inside the reserve as consequence of a high philopatry. Sporadically, seals go up north, outside the reserve. This points out that the north area could be a potential area of dispersion or recolonization for the Cabo Blanco colony.

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